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Good Business Charter accreditation celebrates our commitment to ethical business practices

We are proud to announce that Priory Translations has achieved Good Business Charter (GBC) accreditation!

What is the Good Business Charter?

The Good Business Charter is an independent certification that recognises responsible business behaviour across ten key areas. To achieve this accreditation we had to meet the rigorous standards set by the GBC, demonstrating our commitment to ethical practices in these ten areas.

  1. We commit to paying our directly employed and regularly contracted staff the real living wage as defined by the Living Wage Foundation.

  2. We commit to only using zero or minimal hours contracts when it is mutually beneficial and accepted by both us and the employee.

  3. We will actively support and encourage employee well-being treating those with legitimate sickness in a fair and respectful manner and promote access to impartial support and advice for employees with physical and mental health needs.

  4. We commit to having a way where every employee can make suggestions or raise issues with senior management.

  5. We commit to having robust measures in place to encourage diversity at key stages of recruitment, selection and retention of employees and to prevent harassment or victimisation in the workplace.

  6. We care about the environment and encourage the development of good environmental practice as an organisation, seeking to minimise our impact and committing to improve it.

  7. We commit to paying our taxes where applicable, only using tax allowances for the purpose intended, and being transparent in our relationship with HMRC.

  8. We have a clear commitment to our stakeholders and prioritise addressing and learning from stakeholder feedback, seeking to put negative issues right.

  9. We commit to ethical sourcing of anything we purchase, such as by applying standards set out in the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code where relevant.

  10. We commit to paying our suppliers promptly, and within at least 30 days.

In today's world, responsible business practices are more important than ever. According to recent surveys, 97% of people value businesses that operate ethically and sustainably. Our GBC accreditation underlines our commitment to putting people and the planet first and is a public statement of our dedication to building a better, fairer world through our business practices.

What this means for our stakeholders

Our Good Business Charter accreditation means that anyone who works with Priory Translations, can be sure that we will behave with integrity, fairness and respect for all stakeholders, including employees, clients, freelance suppliers and the environment.


"Signing up to the GBC was a natural step for Priory Translations. Ethical practices have long been at the centre of everything we do, so the GBC was the ideal way for us to demonstrate that side of our company and to join a network of like-minded businesses." Emma Broxholme, Priory Translations

If you would like to learn more about the Good Business Charter and how it promotes responsible business practices, visit Together, we can support and encourage ethical behaviour in business, creating a better future for everyone.

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